Closed for the season

35518736_sThis year I decided it was finally time to be honest about my personal fears, limitations, and overall comfort zone.

I have always tried to appear to be somewhat outgoing and at times adventurous but to be truthful, I really am not.

At times over the years I would agree to something I didn’t want to do, or that made me uncomfortable just so I didn’t seem like a wussy or a wimp.

When I was a kid it was to impress my friends.

When I was dating it was to impress guys.

When I became a mom it was to impress my kids.

Guess what? I am done.


I can do one night preferably in a car (glamping anyone?) and I need a decent restroom nearby, thank you very much.


Um, no.

Water sports anyone?

Jet skiing=Never again.

Snorkeling=Not in open waters, but I can handle a bay/cove.

Parasailing=Once is enough.

Boogie boarding/body surfing=Thanks to gravity I have a hard enough time keeping my girls in place so, I think not.

Scary rides?

Not gonna do any if at any time my body is inverted.

Trampoline Park?

Been there done that.

I think my family is finally “getting the memo”.

Case in point, my husband’s adorable parents were just here in late October visiting California for the first time from Switzerland, and he was excited to take them to our community pool. As our 12-year-old started whining about going in the water, I said I would sit with them but was not going in and he got upset and said I was “setting a bad example”.

Really? Did he just say that?

I very calmly said, “excuse me, but I am a 52-year-old woman perfectly capable of deciding when I do, or do not, put on a bathing suit.“ I then explained with one sweeping hand motion up and down my body that “this has all been shut down for the winter, and furthermore my lady parts are no longer prepped for the season, so I will not be going in the water, end of discussion.”


I think he finally got it.

Next up? Breaking it to the kids that I will NOT be going to any Haunted Houses this year:)

About JulieRae, she’s a hardworking Realtor/Mom whose mantra is “Yes, but first coffee.”

For help buying, selling, or investing in SD she’s your gal @

Bread as a condiment


After years of observation I think that when you are Swiss, bread is pretty much like a condiment.

My husband Marc is Swiss. So no surprise, bread and dairy products are a huge part of our lives. He and the kids can tear through a loaf of bread and a hunk of cheese like nobodies business.

But when his parents are around, the bread and cheese consumption is taken to a whole new level.

They were just here visiting from Switzerland for two weeks, and by day two, my arteries clogged up just sitting next to them at the breakfast table.

His dad, Hartwig, eats butter, bread and cheese like he just got off a three week fast. Every morning.

His mom, Rosmarie, is not quite as voracious, but four pieces of toast with cheese and salami for breakfast is standard procedure, and she is a petite little gal, all of four foot ten inches of her:)

So what’s for lunch you ask? Well whatever it is, “there will be bread!”

Dinner? Shall we serve up the traditional Swiss dish raclette?

Why sure, because it’s pretty much ALL cheese, a few little potatoes, and of course, more bread….


Love his side of the family, but I need a serious food detox after every visit:)

About JulieRae, she’s a hardworking Realtor/Mom whose mantra is “Yes, but first coffee.”

For help buying, selling, or investing in SD she’s your gal @